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Инженеры устанавливают вертикальную печь графитации и горизонтальную печь карбонизации в Швеции

Просмотры:0     Автор:Pедактор сайта     Время публикации: 2023-03-30      Происхождение:Работает

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In March 2023, our engineers installed vertical graphitization furnace and horizontal carbonization furnace in Sweden. After a month's installation, the equipment was finally installed and adjusted, and trial production began. The customer gave us a thumbs up after using the equipment with satisfaction. Our thermal conductivity film graphitization furnace is a very popular equipment at present, which is widely loved and recognized by customers at home and abroad. We welcome customers at home and abroad to know our company and send us inquiries. We will reply positively and provide quotation, or come to our company to see the factory and do experiments. Thanks!

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