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Срок службы печи графитирования зависит от свойств огнеупора.

Просмотры:0     Автор:Pедактор сайта     Время публикации: 2023-04-07      Происхождение:Работает

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First of all, we start from the understanding of graphitization furnace body. The shell of carbon fiber graphitization furnace is rolled by ordinary carbon steel plate. The shell uses special refractory materials as thermal insulation materials, which are generally composed of heat resistant layer, heat insulation layer and protective layer. The life of the graphitizing furnace depends on the properties of the refractory. In order to ensure the air tightness of the furnace, the inner surface of the refractory lining must be built round and smooth, otherwise it will affect the air tightness of the lining and not be resistant to air erosion. In addition, there are temperature holes and pressure holes on the furnace.

When the graphitization furnace is used, it is necessary to pay great attention to the temperature changes of rapid cooling and rapid heating. When the production is stopped for maintenance, such as the furnace can not use gas or other heat sources to keep warm, it must be tightly blocked before and after the furnace body to prevent the furnace from cracking due to rapid cooling. Prevent metal from entering the furnace and contacting corundum lining, because metal and corundum materials form low-melting eutectic, which reduces the refractorability and makes the furnace local melting. Cooling water jacket should be designed reasonably to prevent local overheating and burning out, and to avoid water entering the furnace and blasting the furnace body. In addition, the carbon black filling material should not be damp. Graphitization furnace must be covered, flue gas should be treated to meet the standards before discharge.

The continuous graphitization furnace comprises a graphitization treatment furnace, and the graphitization treatment furnace has a furnace with an inlet and an outlet, and the inlet of the furnace is connected with a feed gas replacement device, which comprises a feed gas replacement chamber and a first gas replacement assembly for replacing the gas in the feed replacement chamber. The feed replacement bin is provided with a feed port, a discharge port, a first valve for controlling the opening and closing of the feed replacement bin and a second valve for controlling the opening and closing of the feed replacement bin. The discharge port of the feed replacement bin is connected with the inlet of the furnace. The continuous graphitization furnace can reduce the effect of harmful gases on the graphitization of materials, improve the quality of products, and can carry out continuous graphitization of materials.

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